
For me, Jackie and Howard hooking up is kind of like Stanford and Anthony getting married in the 2nd Sex and the City movie, i.e., throwing together the only two older characters in the former, the only two gay characters in the latter.

He's listed in the IMDb credits for the next episode.

In the context of the ABA article, did Cary say that LAL is the 3rd-largest law firm in Chicago? If so, that may have been the funniest line of the night. The "foreplay" between Alicia and Jason was cringe-worthy. I've thought the last few episodes were bad, but this was BAD.

I don't think Axl's storyline was meant to be a laugh-riot. For me, it played with a lot of poignancy. And while Sue is closer to a place where she can stand up for herself, she's also thrilled to have a roommate who mostly "gets her," and addressing financial disparities with your friends is difficult even for

I agree. It was a confusing first sentence.

I know that reviewers here "grade on the curve" for each series, but even compared only to other TGW episodes, nothing this season has rated better than a C+, in my opinion.

It is truly a Bizarro world when the awful "Judged" episode of The Good Wife gets an A and this gem is a B+.

It's difficult to turn away from a train wreck that used to demonstrate some quality. I'm among those who watch TGW as background noise each week just to see if it can get even worse. It usually does. And yet people defend it. An A- for this execrable episode? Unbelievable.

I doubt that building is zoned for business so Alicia is probably violating the law as well. Some enterprising reporter should get on that, stat.

That Ave Maria made my ears bleed.

And Manischewitz loved Ginsburg's bus idea that Roger pitched over dinner with Jane last season.  I was surprised that Roger had known for some time that the client wasn't happy.

"The timeline for Don's meteoric rise to the top of SC creative perplexes me."

Well, I supposed Don *could* be married to Faye in S5, but it looks doubtful. :-)

"After last night's episode of The Good Wife, a show I've watched from the beginning episode, I'm sad to see it becoming a good looking, smart show that went from Could Have Been Great to Settled for Pleasant."

Actually, "Johnny" is a pretty good approximation of how "Gianni" is pronounced in Italian. It's certainly NOT Gee-AH-nee. The "i" serves to soften the "g" sound but it is not pronounced separately.

"I had a premonition about megan in Episode 2." What beautiful symmetry that Faye and Megan were introduced in the same episode, during which Faye tells Don not to worry because he'll be married within a year. I love the way Matt Weiner maps things out in advance.

Stakes aren't very high
Job601 wrote: "There's no sense that the show's central characters are really threatened or challenged by the failures of the courts, or of politics. There are moral dilemmas, but there's no anger and the stakes are not very high. … If The Good Wife was constructing a different picture of the