
Winterfell is in the middle of the continent, and it's much faster to travel by boat. That'd make no sense.

She can't have kids though?

Pterodactyls went up to like 600 lbs with a 30 foot wingspan … not even close.

But who knows how long he's been there. Given all the traveling other people have been doing, it could have been three years.

That last paragraph was such a hard backhanded compliment I'm half convinced you're Gendry with his hammer….

But who does he have to talk to now? Imagine the conversations he's having there with some of the wildlings….

You're right that it's rushed, and in a perfect world this would be ten episodes. But this is better than waiting in Mereen for thousands of pages.

So the plan is to send some valuable people north of the wall to collect a corpse? Seems like it would be faster just to take the damn throne already and kill Cersei then

More like Frances Ha Ha.

Are you referring to Frances Ha? I have nothing against it though I haven't seen it because it's pretty similar to a lot of indie stuff I've seen recently.

There's a Criterion sale (50% off) at a local store, so feel free to send me recommendations for anything. I may go on a binge.

I would heavily support you if that counts.

Ancient Greek/Rome is a great way to use a multi-ethnic cast, and it'd make sense. Instead we get white-washed with Aryans….

Hannibal > Hannibal

Please don't hurt me like that.

I agree with the policy because fuck superhero movies.

No, it's a horrible "retelling" of a historic event that has all the accuracy of that time in Futurama where they misinterpreted Jackie Gleason verbal threats for space travel.

How about instead of more comic book reboots we get a big epic about Hannibal (the general, not the dapper serial killer who likes classical music)? The alps? Elephants? Battle of Cannae? Romans? Come on.

My work uses 3D printed objects. The future is here!

Loveless and Ege Bamyasi.