
Too bad. That's one of my favorite features.

…We are.

Yeah it's a great episode, isn't it?

Well I've had fun lurking all these years and then sometimes commenting. It's a weird place, and that's a compliment.

Schindler's List.

It's totally lined up to be Jamie taking her down, with queen D (titles, titles, titles) as the more beautiful queen. This is about as sure as R+L=J was. The only question now is if they'll have a twist going with it.

I just fear that Cersei will destroy enough of the kingdom and everyone's army that the Walkers will

His reaction to Bran parroting back his line was stellar. I'm pretty sure Bran knows a ton about Littlefinger's scheming, and it's going to get someone killed.

Why do people like Winds of Winter so much? I see it being placed as the best episode often or at least top 3. I didn't get that feeling or reaction like I did others, like Blackwater or something.

That's the least of the timeline troubles if you consider how stagnant the technology has been for thousands of years.


I only work 12 hour shifts.

Insecure puts on its big girl panties and sets this season into motion
Jul 31, 2017 12:36 AM

Yeah but have you tried non-English food?

I don't know. I'm still waiting for the Grindr movie.