
Yeah maybe instead of writing their own dialogue for endings they should have borrowed some from an award-winning author instead.

How many hours a week are you averaging?

What did I miss?

V most definitely. This is when they introduce the hex-grid system and eliminate unit-stacking. Those are grand improvements and vastly change the gameplay. If you go back to IV at some point, you'll wonder why you can build the stacks of death. They make war a lot more boring.

I've heard mixed things about this movie, about how it's perfect to how it shows his flaws as a filmmaker. It's almost like I'll have to make up my own mind.

I've been rewatching Game of Thrones episodes from season 5 and 6. And?

Don't you dare tease me.


We gotta at least mention the X-files for mining this area so well. Its most popular setting was a small town with weird stuff going on.

One of my (mid-level) bosses is the lead singer of a death metal band.

What are your thoughts about the MiB?

There are plenty of old story structures that would work and still go against the grain of normal fantasy.

I swear a saw a glowing review of it not too long ago.

What's the over/under on stupid Trump comparisons?

Serious Game of Thrones comment here:
How will George RR Martin (and HBO) reconcile the fact that his show started as a subversion of fantasy tropes and, as the world-building increased, slowly became so entangled with fantasy plotlines that it's hard to escape those tropes now? How can they Ned Stark the ending?

Will Luc Besson's Valerian movie be this year's space movie everyone talks about, a la Interstellar and Gravity? I don't think it has the same tone though….

Game of Thrones predictions (vague spoilers?):
-The reveal is that their world is actually our world's hell.
-The White Walkers take over the North after defeating the army stationed at Winterfell
-The Walkers will take over areas people thought were previously impregnable, like the Bloody Gate.
-The dearth of gold for

Sounds like it's justifiably 3D too.