
A lot of those from the 90s are semi-obscure, but I'm surprised you haven't seen the Mask.

No Avengers 1998 huh?

Tempted to make a Schindler's List joke here.

I dare someone to list their favorite/best comic book movies in every year starting with the year of Keaton's Batman.

Can I get a synopsis about the ghost thing of the movie that isn't spoiler-laden?

I meant like, why is there a movie with a person wearing that cliche of a ghost's sheet? Does that really happen? I don't want to spoil myself on the rest of the movie.

I'd bet that most went there to get high.

That seems pretty natural. And of course it would end with the faux-Doctor losing his sanity and innocence.

Too easy.

"Life is effort and I'll stop when I die!"

Plus all his riffs on using the word retard, which he says is okay because his sister is mentally retarded.

I think people actually underplay Dan Harmon's involvement in Rick and Morty. Morty sounds a lot like him, and there are a few specific bits that sound Harmonian, like his weird obsession with hating on Inception.

I rewatched the Lost series finale to see how it held up, and it was better than I had remembered, but my mind did not hold up. It was weird being transported back to the time, and to think about death and letting go and how I've changed over the years. I also found the old Lost podcast, which started back in 2006 I

I've been reading about a few various random Lost related things and trying to make sense of everything.

Kate and Jack as paramedics. And I'd change it so Eko and Locke were detectives who sometimes worked with Sawyer/Miles. Tom Friendly as the face of Ben's front. Ethan and Goodwin as Ben's muscle. Jin and Sun as the Korean connection to Ben's enterprise. Richard as the middle man between Ben and the cops.

Most of them should have been on great stuff after the show ended….

I was reading through Lost season six stuff, and I was delighted that I was reminded about the Sawyer and Miles buddy cop side show!

You forgot Tom Friendly.