
When your analysis of David Lynch is more disturbing than the source material, you deserve a special award.

Many people were probably tipped and spoiled.

I should tell one of my friends to watch this show and see if she has any objections as a black woman. (Not that she's representative or something.) She'd probably just be shocked by the vagina-eatery. I'm pretty certain a lot of these issues are fabricated by people looking to find controversy.

I hate complaining about this because it makes me seem like one of Them, but some people can go overboard with their supposed defense of minorities. I do have to wonder if these are all middle/upper class white people dealing with white guilt or something, because I usually don't see actual people of color talk like

Why are there people complaining about a goddess of sex and fertility being "objectified" in American Gods? Do they understand her power comes through sexuality?

Remember that time America elected a president that's like an evil version of Pierce Hawthorne? That was weird.

She failed the test because a man whispered something into Scarlett's ear, not a woman.

I started one back in the day in the old Fuselage forum….

No, it always works here. I haven't been able to comment anywhere else on the AVClub for a few days now though.

It appears I can no longer post anywhere else on the AVClub with my login, so I guess I'm trapped here….

How much money would I have to pay Todd to finish the Lost classic reviews?

What did everyone think of American Gods this week?

Among our fallen Communists.

No, it just means you take longer to recovery, really. And since back issues never go away, chances are if you're old, you'll be achey there already.

Fun random Lost memory: Locke meeting Eko.

What's your opinion on a sustainable business model for this kind of writing?

Not so fun fact: cable companies are natural monopolies/utilities because of how hard it is to secure rights to run lines over public land, so people often get screwed over by price gouging when there are no other options.

This kind of problem is happening everywhere. There's not much to be mined from ad revenue. It's an issue with countless sites.

Monetizing through ads from traffic isn't a sustainable business matter anyway unless you're hugely popular, so we're just going to see a long, slow demise.

I actually haven't seen any late-period Kurosawa so that one's intriguing.