
Hausu actually does look interesting.

Yeah I've heard that option though I don't play games anymore.

Okay you TV/movie lovin' honkies…

I could trace a path from Die Hard to the Trump through masculinity, anti-intellectualism, globalism, etc. but I don't want to depress everyone here….

Yes, yelly face.

Not a good sign that there are six writers though.

Late again to the Parks and Rec discussion, but what did people think of Craig?


I'm slogging my way through the rest of Parks and Rec because of this Jamm-material and how they use Pawnee as a backdrop for Washington DC-level stories.

I'm fairly certain his character was supposed to be taken by Michael Keaton, who would have then died in the pilot.

How much do you know about flash forwards?

The "A History of Violence" feature is great, but I'll be saddened when it vanishes, so let's hope they reboot it with "An Alternative History of Violence" with some lesser known action films that should receive more coverage or weren't big hits at the time, like They Live or some Hong Kong fare.

Oh my god that Jack and Kate scene. Tell me what you think of that. I had forgotten.

Any predictions? Were your eyes watery? What do you think of all the stations?

I can't think of a specific heckle pertaining to the Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon film "Taxi," but there's gotta be something there.

I'm hitting the second half of the second season of Twin Peaks, and I am thoroughly confused

Bring a sign that says, "Bring back Sense8."