
The right has hated Hillary as much as we hate Trump now, and they have hated her like that for years.

Wait, is there really a Matrix reboot? I thought that was a joke.

I think he was just honestly concerned that the planet could be destroyed by an irresponsible government and wanted to do his part to steer things in another direction.

After working 9 days out of 10 including some 12-hour shifts while sleeping 4 hours a night dealing with life stuff I—

What's funny is that the Democrats have a much deeper bullpen for celebrity candidates, but they're usually too proud to stoop to the GOP's level, so the GOP broke that hymen first.

Probably Science?

I feel more like Kimmy than I should, so you're in good company.

I didn't even know the comments were ever closed until I read that one with Sonia from a couple weeks ago.

"Mythbusters for a version of reality that's broken."

Yes, you've gone through most of the worst stuff. Prepare for escalation.

I'll get back to you on that….

And how are you enjoying it now?

Kinda wish I could retire and watch Lost for a week or two. That show demands a lot of attention.

Traditionally, headlines aren't done by the author. It's not just the AVClub.

Some people in the comments section complained about how they made her part of the plot that got him into jail, but I'm rereading the book now and she specifically states that it was partly her fault too.

It's honestly a fantastic Bond movie that's overshadowed by how Lazenby is perceived today.

Hey if I could get through all those awkward, cloying scenes on the Leftovers with the overwhelming piano music and everyone trying really hard to be serious, you could excuse their worst scene and one of their few missteps.