
Unbreakable Dale Cooper

Here's a review I can support though:
Others feel as though Lindelof, Perrotta, and co-producer Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights), who has helmed the first two episodes in his now-familiar bobbing-and-weaving camera style (the show’s action is covered rather than being thoughtfully directed) are forcing moments that

Yeah it definitely dipped into those waters, and it's weird reliving that because I agree with their (TV) criticism, but I don't want to be associated with those sexists hatemongers.

I understand their criticism of her writing and some of her biggest gaffes, and I understand the criticism of her blind jabs at white people and her idea that a white person can never be a victim of a hate crime, but it went way too far and it wasn't constructive criticism. It was just plain mean.

The comments section for season 1 of the Leftovers has had more of an arc than the show.

Early is terrible for transit, so that's why the rarely come early and usually seem late. You see this when you take the buses and they have to stay pulled over for a few extra minutes because they're jumping ahead of the schedule.

This is the real story of America.

What? They often talked about how weird things were. They frequently had conversations like, "Are you seeing this too?" or "Remember that time we saw a polar bear?"

These Leftover comment sections have turned into complete clusterfucks.

It thickens as in there's more plot and happenings; it's higher density.

Okay good I'm looking forward to the new credits.

Just finished 6, which was the second episode where he was a side character and both of those were my favorites so far.

I'm seeing a lot of vitriol in the commentary section of the Leftovers for season 1, as there's some backlash to the high praise of the show. I understand their complaints too.

It's also nothing compared to many jokes from well respected comedians in their stand-up acts or on podcasts. If an internet outrage machine ever wants a real goldmine, just take a few quotes out of context from a podcast with some comedians.

He's secretly a terrible sheriff and he shouldn't have a job.

The point of the sketch was that even the evildoers thought it was over the line, and there were no actual children in the sketch. I'm wondering how their actual objections would be drawn.

I asked because the event is nonspecific but it loosely relates to the genre at the very least.

I'll keep an open mind until season 2 then.

Does the camera work improve in season 2?

He has the type of administration that would incite a civil war so I could see three or more being possible.