
By the way, I think the mythology of Czernobog is pretty unclear due to a lack of documentation and written stories, so people are unsure if he's the good or evil version. I'm not sure if that'll be worked into the story, and I forgot what happens with him in the book, but it's interesting to note.

Was not sure of your background.

You're just sad you didn't get to see her tits.

Even the police department by itself had more black characters than most shows, and they were some of the best characters.

He says that first golden period of TV was too white and uses the Wire as an example.

Edge of the Day of the Electric Boogaloo

I honestly have no idea how to react to that news.

Which part of the world was hungering for a Mummy reboot? And how is this going to be part of a shared universe? What is going on?

How was Lost?

She's 91!

He was pretty good at selling magazine subscriptions though.

I just always think of that picture whenever says it's more complicated than that.

They don't see it as racist though and they legitimately believe white people are the brunt of a globalist attack and that people want to breed/kill them out of the population.

Well, yes, wars do have loose start and end dates in some sense, but due to official cease fires and declarations of war and peace, it can be pretty strict. Though you do still get situations like the Battle of New Orleans or the loose Hundred Years War.

I assume most people are saying history starts with when it can be recorded, right? Essentially.

This sounds like the book for me….