
It's interesting how "white people" is applied. Sometimes it's about how they're all into acai berries and non-GMO's, but sometimes it's about their racism and love of NASCAR. Those are two different groups, and conservative white people are heavily against the wellness lifestyle to the point where they make it a

Crazy Ex Girlfriend might have my favorite theme song out of any modern show. Most don't have the time anymore.

Oh well at this point in the series he's the love MacGuffin who starts the whole premise of the show, so yeah, I identify him as the love interest. But I haven't seen much.

Ah she's the Chicago Bulls of Europe.

Highlight of Crazy Ex Girlfriend for me so far: the random country tune, "I Love My Daughter (But Not in a Creepy Way.)" Or the sexy getting ready song.

Flawed core is a good description of Chicago.

By coincidence, they're doing better than the 1-seeded Celtics too.

I'm more of a fan of Boys, an HBO comedy set in pre-industrial Brooklyn where a group of pre-teens aimlessly search for meaning in their lives as they work 80 hour weeks while hunting for rabbits on the side.

Moneyball. He played a pretty sweet baseball player.


So there I was reading Cracked, minding my own business with an article about being a dungeon master, when I see the casual revelation that the writer DMs for Harmontown.

Are we having fun yet?

I'll admit to some schadenfreude when he started getting hate about his interview with Trump and his reluctance and incompetence with politics as Colbert surged ahead.

Just had a relative die who was like 109.

Pascal's wager Trump bet.

I'd have to watch an Eagles documentary? No thanks.

Have you seen the documentary it's based on?

Basic courses under "college level" are usually under 100.