
Yeah explain it's one of those things white people love and they'll never understand it. If they ever look up what the show is, they'll be pretty confused.

"Too many straight white guys told me for years “The Wire is such a great show about race!” for years that I’m still spitefully boycotting it"

It's okay. He's now up in heaven playing basketball with Prince and Jesus, and sleeping on God's couch.

Charm is useful when delivering snark though. I'll reserve my judgement for now, however.

I saw something on how they first wanted him to be a writer so I'm not sure of what his level of involvement is.

Trying to jump on board this mst3k gravy train: I went back and looked at the first news articles about announcing Jonah Ray and now I'm a little concerned. I didn't know a lot about him, and I've heard a lot of negative stuff — and now I remember from a few podcasts that I wasn't a fan of his and only listened for

Today in work productivity: I learned that a Sublime song suspiciously sounds like "Lady Madonna."

Yeah that was the other reason I'd guess. But his experience in world war I probably affected him too.

"Breathing is the hardest thing to do"

United: We’re having a bad week.

If he were a good press secretary he would have mentioned how many historians would group Assad's actions as categorically different than the ones by Hitler with chemicals because one, arguably, wasn't used on the battle-field. There's probably some literature out there about how Hitler didn't use chemical weapons on

I love Spike's reaction to the character. I think the idea of that character made a lot of sense in their universe.

With your Dracula idea, what do you think of his actual episode on the show?

Sounds like a reverse Office. I was unsure of how the seasons varied in quality because it's not a traditional show, but that's promising. I can't wait to see the new episodes.

I honestly hate those rumors with a passion but I fear being accused of a rape/abuse defender so I say nothing.

rapid sexy sexy 1 twice 3 times a stranger

I don't know enough about the show to understand that metric.

Is that where all the weirdos congregate?