
What are some TV/film/pop culture things that changed your life?

It's a fantastic show, and I'm not sure I buy the "I've seen other mafia movies" thing because 1) it didn't glorify the profession like most pieces of media and 2) the mafia was just a backdrop and a stand-in for America and families as a whole. It was about a time where traditional values were eroding.

I am certain they will get along well with their personalities.

Spike quickly turns into the funniest character in the Buffyverse, and it's something I could not have anticipated.

Spoilers for the hypothetical season 6 of Angel because I found it so interesting that doesn't really spoil prior seasons:
Apparently, all of hell (or hells?) was going to be unleashed into Los Angeles, and Angel would become a Mad Max style survivor wandering the wastelands for other survivors.

Gotta love the way Charlie screams SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.

Top ten favorite TV episodes ever?

Embarrassing in my case.

Have you seen Police Squad?

My top 20 Firefly list is pretty short.

If you're really bored, I could lay down the gauntlet of every Whedon episode, or at least every Buffy episode. I'm still trying to figure out just my top 20.

Then rank every season of Whedon TV programming.

Only by a few decades.

This was a fun little project. I have some gaps here and there — I've seen few 2015 films, for some reason — but I filled it out alright.

For anyone else struggling with 1997: Titanic (kidding), Good Will Hunting, Starship Troopers, Boogie Nights, Fifth Element, Lost Highway, Children of Heaven, and Batman and Robin.

I bet you'd like Moon (2009.) At first I thought it could replace a Pixar film, but alas.

Based on the episode rankings and ratings I see, season 3 is generally considered the "best" with some of the greatest highlights with some solid consistency too.