
Hey, if you love America, root for him to succeed!

"Why'd you make me gay, you stupid bastard?"

Thought I had replied to this.

His belief that gloryholes are done by women is adorable.

Well I suppose the settlement of Iceland isn't even an iron-clad bit of history.

Related. Can't imagine the daring it takes to discover Iceland when you're living in the Viking age.

I would be afraid of opening of the monsters I'd summon with that task.

Tonight is as good a night as any to rewatch all of Review and the new episode too. Newly single and totally sane — and this is a totally sane and uplifting series to keep me engaged.

Miss Lonelyhearts is a good pull. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.

I'm curious now because "melted Kojak" is such a great insult.

I'm trying to think of a literary comparison for his maniac devotion and the fact that his critical review process has led him into total darkness, and I'm coming up with a blank. It's some kind of metaphor for the current state of the media.

Can't wait until I can understand this reference. I honestly thought you got hacked until I saw Stingo's post.

There's no way around that.

Weird that a show about reviewing (and by extension criticism) would go off-the-rails deranged so quickly. That must mean something about the state of media criticism.

RIP: my relationship. June '16 to March'17.

You'd probably get rated down once people remembered the time you impersonated a girl.

This feels so much better.