
Sure and if HIllary won there'd be no Trump. Why do we have to choose Romney?

Citation needed.

Huh the Dutch have it on a similar day too.

I don't know what their policy is, but the US is hampered by a weird rule for Tuesday elections where ballot boxes are harder to find in poorer communities because, you know, democracy. So if you can't get out of work at the right time during a weekday, you are not represented.

If this wasn't released by the Trump team, they'll consider it a miracle. It's a great distraction and it shows he paid a lot of taxes in that year, even if the rate is kinda low.

Funny that same thing happened at my church just last week. It's a common situation.

The more I read about Warren G. Harding, the more he reminds me of Trump.

Well … I can see the logic there. Makes sense to me. Now to figure out this whole Israel-Palestine situation.

Obtaining enough cold, hard cash to buy a tropical island.

Actually, can I get an explanation? Someone thought they had breast cancer? I don't really want to see the boobs. Just confused about the situation.

"Whose are bigger?"

No, there are lots of normal citizens thrown into the chaos to contrast the horror that consists of the main characters.

You should find another website to comment on because this one apparently doesn't care about its community.

If your'e upset at the AVClub for what they've done to the site, just take delight in the inevitable moment when most of their newswire and recapping cuties are usurped by writing-bot AI.

It's because an ad-based system is unsustainable, and they're spinning their wheels into trying to make it work while the returns get worse and worse.

Take away the special effects, and it's such a terrible and generic movie.

Sidebar commenting: Trump's America.

Newest first … oldest first … rightest first?

As a time traveler, I am unreasonably excited for this film.

Are you a golden retriever?