
Hungry is the word you're searching for?

Only do it for the HDTGM podcast.

At first I thought the Trump administration was chaotic evil, but I think the more apt term is incompetent evil.

It's slowly dawned on Republicans that Obamacare was actually a conservative plan (idea from the Heritage foundation and similar to Romneycare) and their attempt to offer an alternative just results in a worse plan overall.

This is like giving African-Americans the shortest month of the year to celebrate their accomplishments. Sure, it's a good idea, but the execution seems like an insult.

What are the best online communities out there for intelligent adults that aren't here or porn related?

Funniest movie since the Martian.

Imagine the consequences if people didn't believe in something important and could vote and hold positions of power, like, say, climate change.

How do you explain the circular shadows of the Earth on the moon? They're always circular, no matter the orientation.

Wonder what this IT person thinks of Google Earth and, well, satellites in general.

Their aggressive plans to take over the entire visual medium market is kinda scary and ultimately would not be good for the industry.

Interesting how the actors for the two dumbest characters have had the most success after the show ended (although Donna is doing pretty well now.)

Just finished Bob's Burgers (what's on Netflix.) Worth it. It's consistent. I've heard good things about Veep's recent stuff.

Community got this right: Vaughn used a non-gender specific pronoun for Garfield.

Same with Clinton's BJ debacle in the late 90's (in that one party owned congress while another the white house.)

He has all the best words.

Probably because they have a ton of student debt or are just trying to pay the current bills even though they're working full-time because all the wealth has accumulated at the top.

Were there really a million zombie movies in the 50's?

Hey, modern American food only unintentionally has cyanide!