
Looks like this was from well before the Romans invaded and it was during the time of Alexander the Great. This was about the time Pytheas came to England though. And when he "discovered" Thule.

At least you weren't the 76ers.

I'm always intrigued by jungle curry, mostly for the name.

Mad about your degree from Trump university?

I respect Nixon more because Watergate wouldn't even be listed in the top 10 of Trump's offenses</logic>.

I wonder how'd we react if some of these new "prestige" shows had debuted in 2005 rather than, say, 2015. I know being ahead of your time helps a lot with your perception, but I wonder how these new shows would be compared to the Sopranos if they were both active at the same time.

It's the same with this show called "Community" everyone has talked so much about.

Do you not like it because you don't think they can cover the topic well or you just want one small corner where you don't have to think about that stuff?

If I am not allowed to overthink, then what's the point of my existence?

Oh I am very much interested in Westworld the business because I'm wondering how that'll work out in real life in the next few decades.

Finally got around to the Westworld pilot.
1) Glad to see a more nuanced fiction (than, say, most sci-fi films) tackle the issues of robots/AI, because we surely will have to deal with these issues soon, from proposals to tax robotic workers to the sex industry updating.
2) I am enthralled because I'm not quite sure

Have you seen those town hall videos? Republicans and even centrist Democrats are now ducking the town halls because people are so mad. There's a lot going on with grass-root style progressivism. It's just going to be tough to convert that into a working Democratic party because so many have been bought out by

Oh sorry I thought they'd be labeled the same. Search for easter egg or another. There are a few listed.

Hence this great line:
Paul Ryan being forced to delete Rage Against The Machine from his “Getting Pumped” gym playlist and replace it with the death rattles of cancer patients

I'm laughing already.

Do you know about the hidden Simpsons commentaries?

Hey when you want it to sound like you're watching with friends but have no actual friends….

I really hope they film the vagina scene in detail and without edits.

Yeah I understand where I was wrong, but 1) I don't know Holmes that well and 2) I didn't even watch this episode.