
I believe so. It's been a while.

My girlfriend hasn't seen Breaking Bad because she finds the undersides of rocks comfy, but she loves Gale so much so far. She chanted his name and demanded he come back. We're at the season 3 finale.

The only metric I need is a yard stick for my penis.

A gravity assisted redirect and then slow down?

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is a fun return to small town 90's life.

Always delighted me that Leonard Maltin sucked at his own game.

You should try an old wrestling movie.

I prefer dragonfruit and habaneros with a garlic heavy sauce.

He is now an unemployed immigrant.

I'm surprised the finale was loved so much more than the Battle of the Bastards. When I think of last season, the battle is the first thing to come to mind. Tough to find moments from an show as intense as that battle. I imagine the episode was flawed, but I don't recall all the details off hand.

I for one am glad Dirty Grandpa was finally recognized for its cinematic glory.

Instead of just another show about divorce and a restless young male, he should have explored the more interesting territory: his arc from religion to atheism, and how it interacted with comedy and the conservative life of being a husband. Focus on the fall from grace.

As an anonymous outcast from a similarly terrible site (before 4chan though), it's interesting to see how the internet and culture have evolved together. At the time, it was mostly bored teenage boys being offensive just for the hell of it. Somehow that's transformed into a loose ideology.

Classically trained violinist from the age of four who's been interested in just about every genre out there. He only got into indie music in his early 20's I think.

We had survived to
Turn on the History Channel
And ask our esteemed panel
Why are we alive?
And here's how they replied
You're what happens when two substances collide
And by all accounts you really should have died

Finally getting around to Making a Murderer, as I'm sure you've all seen a year ago, and I'm really confused:
Steve Avery didn't own underwear?

When the seas boil and the sky lights on fire the last of us — the last of humanity, the stragglers from all corners of the road — will meet at the Great Bear Lake.

"Has anyone ever met a Muslim?"