
Okay, I admit it: I'm actually a catfish only pretending to be a human user because I can't swim and I hate being in the water all the time.

Some swings of the hip, asymmetrical leg movements, and some asymmetric arm movements … yeah this video is sexy.

If that was his daughter, that would be saying something significant about his character, as they clearly had sex in season 1….

Tonight was actually the first time I have.

How many people think Jon is AA? Is that too obvious? I'd like to hear more theories. It's almost too clean of an ending for a series as complicated as this.

After the White Walkers destroy everyone on the planet and Brienne's Valyrian sword saves them, they become the last man and woman on Earth and move to Tucson, Dorne to start civilization anew?

Well, I mean, the walls are high because it's a castle and it's meant to repel invaders. And it's hard to escape for a reason. It also shows how dire both their situations are that they'd willingly choose to jump.

If you're going to bring up Return of the Dragons Jedi, then I implore you to use the parallel of the awful plans of Jamie rescuing his niece-daughter by getting captured and Luke rescuing Han by letting everyone get captured, including himself.

Jamie is the representation of how morality is not a black and white issue and is thus the most human character on the show. He is known for sullying his honor and duties as a Kingsguard by slaying a king yet it was the Mad King who roasted people for fun and the kingdom was then ruled by a few rebels who openly

I'm trying not to mention this is a fantasy show where people made of ice raise the dead and dragons fly around because that's built into the internal logic of the show, but just refer to the below/above posts about snowdrifts/banks and how people in reality have survived higher falls.

Well, to be fair, I hated Ramsay more during the Theon torture scenes. Those were boring. I think a few things got muddled because Sansa is taking the place of another character in Winterfell.

The (sometimes unfortunate) part of literary analysis is that you can prove whatever you want if you form things in just the right way. (Okay, you can mess with science/statistics in the same way.) But I never quite bought into "this season is shit" and I used to hate Sansa's character. I thought a lightbulb went off

I think he did off-screen. As I've been thinking about the series, I came to realize a lot of it is about the foibles of humanity and how all the pointless bickering and politics only distracts from the real issues and it'll all come crashing down on an unprepared land. The Night's Watch is supposed to guard the realm

What happened to you this weekend that made you do this? Are you okay?

Yes the show that began with a little kid surviving a fall from the same tower onto the hard ground instead of snow is going to jump the shark now.

Tell me how it's offensive. Mentioning rape at all is offensive? And you're doing this while acting like a prick and telling me to shut up … think about what you're doing here. You have no self-awareness. You're being rude to strangers because they disagree with you about a television show.

She got to go back to Winterfell. She met Theon. “I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home. And you can’t frighten me.”

What did I do to you? Why would you talk to me that way—oh right. It's the internet.

Calling Jamie purely unlikable or Tyrion redundant is bonkers.