
Weed helps.

I can't decide if TheVoidControls sounds more like a baby or a bitch.

1978-1983. The Golden Years of Playboy. Kathy Baker. Alana Soares. Patricia Farinelli. Patty McGuire. Vicki Lynn Lassetter. And the singular goddess herself, Karen Price. Jesus H. Fucking Christ on a shit-flavored rice cake. Now *those* were women!

The creepiest scene has to be when Pinocchio carves his own forearm into a bong.

Hell, yeah, he's a pederast. I'll bet he fucked the shit out of that duck.

Well, shit. My attempt to think of something funny or arch to say about this has completely failed. The poor family. This sucks.

It's good to know I'm not the only person who watches this show like an addict. It is so fucking good — and not just Cranston, although he makes me weep, he's so good, but everybody. The camerawork, the music, the editing, the foley. Shit, everything. I love this show.

Schmackity doo.