Sir Cusfreak

I really kinda feel that this guy is really being a bit of a bitch about this whole thing. I've had bigger conflicts during a thanksgiving dinner and been laughing again before dessert. "Oh Fuck Off" is pretty mild. If everyone I told to fuck off actually did my life would look a lot like Fresh Prince in I am Legend.

When True Detective was running, it had me like no other show has for a few years. I was really drawn in. I would analyze each episode, read about it, write about, and just think about it for a few days. I felt like it had some moments of being some of the best television ever. But when they tried to convince me that

I like it that the phrase 'clean cut emo' is in there. Something something infections.

I wasn't expecting a Fast & Furious movie, but Drive was one of the most boring movies I have ever quit watching 3/4 of the way through…and let me tell you, I have quit on some [i]pretty boring[/i] movies in my day.