
Hell, even the Font for the title is perfectly 80s.

The worst part about Pokemon Go is that it's not out in my country yet. I mean wtf niantic - Pokemon is a Japanese thing first and foremost tied deeply to the Japanese culture of letting your kid wander around outside without adult supervision and not fearing someone will shoot him for trespassing him or whatever it

Why would they make sailor moon fat like some American? Has this artist never been to Japan? The right picture is what we would consider morbidly obese in my culture. Eat some more fish.

Well, most anime is aimed at the niche of an audience in general. Most of us don't actually read that much manga or watch that much once we're out of like middle school and those that do tend to be the shut-in types. I mean, I wish I had time for that stuff, but working 14 hours a day takes a lot out of me.

Japanese weirdness? Don't you find that just a little bit culturally insensitive?

Because Ghost in the Shell is very much rooted in Buddhism and a question of the soul in a very Buddhist sense. By whitewashing the role you're completely shitting all over my cultural heritage, for what? So you can have another robocop movie? I wish this thing wasn't being made.

Well this is a new low for Great Job Internet… I say that every week though.

You know, since so much of Star Wars is based on Japanese movies - I can't help but feel like he is insulting my country every time he says "they're for children and childish adults,"

Did we just forget that they committed genocide against an entire world?
But I guess that's something a conservative would be okay with. Probably full of Muslims or something, right?

Yeah, it's called Florida.

Inakadashi's Guide to watching relatively new Hollywood movies on Netflix:
Step 1: Get a VPN with Japanese Access Points
Step 2: Access Netflix Japan
Step 3: Profit?

You actually can buy the latest and best gear with gold, directly from the black market auction house or by purchasing a carry through the latest raid tier where they set loot to personal.

I mean, as someone pretty firmly rooted in the ideologies of the Left I definitely have never liked or supported Apple. I have bought things from companies whose practices I don't support, of course - I mean, I am human - but I don't let myself devolve into this neuropolitical subsumption of my will by a brand label

He killed Luke's aunt and uncle. There's a pretty believable fan theory about it… but of course that's also probably the instance of the "disintegration" you're talking about.

No Portal? No gears of war? (I get that I am the only one in the world that enjoyed the ridiculousness of that song, but as a human being with opinions on things I am allowed to be outraged!)

Arcades are alive and well over here. The trick is to build all of your buildings without insulation so no one buys home consoles because the noise would bother their neighbors. My theory anyways.

Ahh we call this movie "Wild Speed: Sky Mission" in my country.

Or Kundun.

Excited for this! Scorsese showed with Kundun that he can be a great director even when making a movie not about Italian Americans.

So not trying to be all netouyu here, but isn't this some pretty serious white washing? I mean, a lot of what is called into question that makes the story so deep is what makes something human, and the question of a soul really derives from a Buddhist religious perspective (albeit a Japanese version of Buddhism). So