
If there's no Gogans, it's a no-go for me!

Dazed and Confused, performed by the original artists. Raised from the dead if necessary. Zombie John Bonham anyone?

"Thru the Eyes of Ruby" is also one of my favourites, but I never realised that it was a seven-minute song until I looked it up on one of my playlists - I always just drifted along with it and it seemed over in a flash. Maybe that's why he considered it a slog…
But "Tonight Tonight" still ranks as one of my favourite

Same experience here, the studio versions just never grabbed me like Strangers in the Night. Probably the reason why UFO were never as big as they should have been.

Hell yeah, Strangers in the Night! Can't pick just one song off that standout live album though!

Kinda surprised that The Band "The Last Waltz' didn't get a mention - I reckon the version of 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down' just sounds so…… complete I guess compared with the album version.
Absolutely dead on with Landslide though, that could bring a tear to anyone's eye.

I see the similarities here between The Streets and some Australian hip hop acts, namely Hilltop Hoods, Illy and 360. All very talented, with a lot to offer, but can't crack anywhere outside their home market because they don't perform with an American accent. It's like the world is just conditioned to expect hip hop

When I saw them here in Perth, Western Australia a few years back, it was at an outdoor venue, and as the opening to Everlong started, it started raining. Rained for the length of the song, then stopped for the rest of the night. Kind of glad for the rain though, no one noticed the stray tears! Magical doesn't even

Credit to the man though, when left to his own devices (ie, not ruining someone else's universe) he comes up with some pretty cool material. The Saga of the Seven Suns series comes to mind as a quite credible and enjoyable effort.

Agree with all the comments mentioning Zahn, Stackpole and Allston, by far the stand out authors in the Expanded Universe. I do have a soft spot for Kevin J Anderson's Jedi Academy trilogy, he went in some interesting directions but it was poorly executed.

Kevin J Anderson's 'Saga of the Seven Suns'. Seven books of sci-fi awesomeness that is just crying out for a Game of Thrones-style series. Being sci-fi though it would be horrendously expensive…

Hooray, first mention of 3's & 7's! One of my favourites across all albums, along will all those previously mentioned