happy wanderer

I wish Cersei would explain herself better. She's so inscrutable.

Sounds like you want Everything Now. Hmmm

Great series! Didn't care for the finale. Felt the flashback undermined CK, Buscemi, and Falco's earlier performances. They had done such a good job portraying the trauma and damage that the older generation saddled them with that I didn't need to see it to believe it. Felt similar to flashbacks in final season of

Let's all rejoice for The Americans! However, with the Homeland, House of Cards, and Modern Family nominations the Emmys once again prove they are not a true indicator of what was noteworthy and relevant in the past season of television. They really need to learn to let go. Also, it feels like they added to the amount

Uma Thurman and Samuel L Jackson also received academy award nominations for Pulp Fiction. Surely just an oversight and the female and black guy weren't intentionally left out.

Whoa! Great, really great.

Bad. Very bad. The Chang storyline is ridiculous

Right there with you. It was handled very well and in way that kept Amy Acker around for final eps. Smart stuff

Show sure has been treated odd for its final season. It was still drawing 8million viewers and on a two year critical hot streak at the end of season 4 but CBS scraps it and pushes it back to spring, and now after 3 seasons of timely and thoughtful reviews AVClub has dropped the ball. Oh well. I just want to dog

The classic modern American apology. "I apologize but actually I still think I'm right and believe what I said and you are too dense to comprehend." Dispicable stuff

Season Opening Monologue

Worth the wait Alex!
Thoroughly enjoyed both episodes but considering where we are at in the series run it felt like Snafu was a grade better than Truth Be Told. Snafu had more of a sense of urgency and as Alex pointed out whenever the writers play with the central conceit the show tends to operate on a higher level.

Honestly, I kind of groaned when I saw Annie Parisse. I like her as an actress but at this point her character is as fleshed out as we need. Bear and Shaw on the other, GIVE ME MORE PLEASE!

Surely AV Club won't scrap PoI after reviewing seasons 2-4 so thoroughly

The bastard with the good hair

Not outspoken but in losing Mike Tirico the network is losing one of their true MVPs

Wow, casting director deserves some love. Can't wait to see this film

It fell apart at HBO because Fincher is a control freak who insists on at least 50 shots per take and has to oversee the editing process without moving onto the next episode. Love Fincher's perspective and style but those qualities won't fly in TV. Hope he gets it figured out because I'd live to his vision on this

I'm getting really tired of people watching shows they hate just to complain about on message boards. When a show is in it's second season(or fifth like Homeland) you should probably only tune in if on some level you've liked the show. It's peak-tv people, there are plenty of options. Quit wasting your time and more

I can't wait to tune in on Sunday and have been spreading word best I can, but obviously the trailer doesn't seem to incite as much excitement as the Scorsese/Jagger project or Westerworld. Fortunately for us, Simon isn't deterred and continues to mine these types of subject matter and tell the stories remarkably well