
When Bronn went home at the end and peeked into his daughter's room, I was SURE it was going to turn out that he was in on it the whole time, manufacturing the traps for the purposes of protecting kids like his own from predators. He said several times how important his kids were to him, and the worst we saw him do

I think it was a seltzer…

Can anyone shed some light on the whole Ted-and-the-mother-wait-to-get-married thing? I just don't get what it adds. Ted is wearing a wedding ring in Trilogy Time and even as recently as Unpause (I am observant and very fun to hang out with), so it has to have been a pretty recent decision and it's weird for me. Is it

The knowledge that you are a lawyer who likes obscure G&S and Flashman was enough to get me to look at your comment history to check that you're not my older brother.

Agreed that the whole Lily-Marshall argument would really have gone down better if reframed as a 19th century mockery of feminist self-determination.

Since I'm easily annoyed, I wish Lily's drinks deal with Linus had been handled differently. At first I thought she was paying him to keep the waters coming so no one would suspect she was pregnant, but she seemed to ask him almost as an afterthought, requesting the Kennedy package so the alcohol could numb her for

And the "Never? Well, hardly ever!" dialogue a few minutes later was another HMS Pinafore reference.

I'm an annoying person and there are a lot of small details about Gilmore Girls that grate with me—moreso because it's a show that gets the big, emotional beats so right, so just look up what Rory's dorm would be called if she were in Branford! You already did so much of the work! But of all of the improbable,

I have been reading these every week and my frustration with these episodes (which I love, though, I contain multitudes?) finally reached its registration point. Ugh, the Road Trip is one of the worst episodes, for my money, in terms of Lorelai & Rory being incredibly annoying in real life and the show nevertheless