Schemey Fingers

Shoulda started with Piss Up A Rope, I've had great success luring folks to The Boognish. 

Jordo (there is no "reply" thingy on your post)

Whoa! That guy is still around?!

Jeez, tell me about it! The few science related articles they do post seem to be about how shitty obesity is. Of course the topic has merit but they always seem to turn into a fatty bashing circle jerk. After seeing several "fatties suck" posts back to back I decided the page should be renamed I Fucking Hate Fatties.

As soon as I read "aspiring model and nudist" I thought "stripper with borderline psychotic desire for attention". Someone prolly told her she could draw when she was a kid and just look at her now!

Pffft, silly me! I hadn't even considered the yards and yards of extra fabric needed to make those bigass sizes.

He did look better, last year even!

You're absolutely right about Modern Family not making any missteps. They keep well within the formulaic sit-com boundaries!

let you into his secret club. Pussies need not apply.

"Starting at" $999 a month translates to probably more like $1050 a month.
The base product/service starts at a certain price but the component(s) necessary to actually use it cost extra.  In my entire retail slut career I have never been able to purchase anything for the "starting at" price.

Since I live in the ATL, I can't help but wonder sometimes if this show is really a metaphor for black people taking over the city.

We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no smegging flapjacks!