
The cob planet joke had me rolling, as did the tiny planet. I'd happily watch an episode that's nothing but the cast visiting various stupid planets as a replacement for the incredibly diminished returns that the alien TV idea proved to have.

*sadly shuffles off stage*


Nah, Jai tried to emote at least once, which disqualifies him. He is unworthington of the name.

… I was saying boo-enisys.

I really liked it. I don't think of it as a direct remake so much as an "alternate universe" version of the story, which makes the changes much more palatable, especially in the sequel.

Great Job, Internet!

Damn, that headline made me think that they somehow pulled off a stealth release of Killer Klowns 2.

This sounds fantastic.

Yes. A million times yes. Even when they're bad, they're so good, if only for how unique and crazy they can get.

Nonononono. If you make it, I'll have to watch it, because I can't *not* watch a new Elm Street. And I can't even picture a modern day Dream Warriors. Moreso than the first, it's a movie of its time period. What, are you going to bring back Rooney Mara as Nancy? Have Kenan Thompson play Kincaid (okay, that's not such

This may have been easy Buzzfeed-esque pandering, but dammit, I can't bring myself to hate anything Good Burger, or anything that brings Kenan and Kel back together.

Oh, it was very real. And holy shit, it's… something.

It's not "hyperrealistic", a children's TV show from the 90s, or an NES game/Pokemon/Minecraft, but it does look like the kind of thing that r/creepy will be spammed with for the next three years, so… it's a wash?

I've owned rats, and not one of them would have given up on that pizza slice, even if it meant certain death.

I've been tucking into Lana Del Rey's "Honeymoon". Takes a while to get going, but I'm really liking it. Not sure if it's got the same power to it that Ultraviolence has, but I can hardly hold that against it.

That's Freddy's new M.O. in which, instead of killing you, he just erodes your joie de vivre over decades of disappointment and self-loathing. It's a long con, but an effective one.

Why are you not running Syfy? The "Whistle-Dog" franchise never gets its due.

Haha, yeah, I run an inn here on Beaver St and I've noticed that clients who come here from one direction actually stay and fawn over York, and clients coming from the other way tend to just keep on driving. Funny how tightly segmented York is. (and how obscure it is given its historical significance… I always get

I'm the very nostalgia-fueled schmuck that would normally eat this sort of thing up, but even I can't help wincing at this. Outside of some surprisingly big names (relatively speaking) performing, it looks like every free admission street fair I've ever seen, just with a slightly more coherent theme.