
The place has improved a lot, but the crackhead thing hasn't changed one bit. Princess Street in particular…

Every time somebody mentions "InAPPropriate Comedy", I get weirdly angry. I haven't even seen the damn thing, but the title and Netflix's insistence that I see said title every day (because you watched "Entirely Unrelated Movie"!) has created an unhealthy hatred in me.

Are you smelling burnt toast, by any chance?

By AND large? I mean, I'm with you on "by", but "large" as well? I don't know if I can get behind a radical statement like that.

Well twist my nipple and call me Hot Butter, a Freddy cameo I've never seen!

Blue Jam. Not only did it turn me on to Chris Morris' particular style of Lynchian comedy/abject terror, but it also turned me on to trip hop. Goddamn, that show was great. I was about 15 years late to the party, but hey.

Fiiiine, my curiosity is piqued. Guess I'll start on this tomorrow.

I haven't read this in years. Guess that'll be my night tonight. Also been meaning to re-read the plethora of FvJ scripts… I remember a couple of them being surprisingly entertaining.

The long-awaited sequel to "A Talking Cat!?!".

When you're right, you're right.

And the world is better for it. Basket Case 2 and 3 may be utter trainwrecks, but dammit, they're wonderful trainwrecks.

Goodnight Mommy was really enjoyable, but overall it's been a weak year for horror. I hope there are some surprises coming up in the last three months. It Follows did nothing for me (it had some cool ideas, but "sexually transmitted ghost" still sounds like a rejected Henenlotter script to me), and there haven't been

A-whuh!? I must own this. I will own this.

Shit, that was me last week. Except I'm pushing 30 and male.

CBS Realizes You Can't Go Dome Again

On the one hand, I actually like the conceit of the plot, and think there could be a clever kids' film to be made here.

I get more of a Hogan vibe, myself.

I believe that, in Freddy's grand tradition, this should be "Great Job, Bitch!".

Hey, it worked for Ubisoft.