
Damn, I was hoping for a cover of the theme song. Patti Smith just doesn't rap enough, y'know?

"The sole holdover from Sinister is Deputy So & So… a character who worked very well as comic relief"

It's not a gritty reboot of Weinerville? Well, fuck you too, Nickelodeon. I still haven't forgiven you for not making me the winner of the Super Toy Run or the recipient of a piece of that radical rock. Now you tease me with hot dog related entertainment that doesn't involve people putting their heads above puppet

Might want to put some coffee on. We're in for the long haul.


Blanket and unprovoked "Rarr rarr, gol'durn libruls" statements: Always the sign of a mature, well thought out argument.

I have a guide on hand for that very thing:

Yeah, I kind of wish they stuck with that, just because the tonal whiplash between that song and the eventual sci-fi insanity of the show itself would have been amazing.

The Family Matters theme is my morning alarm.

Thank god. I never understood why there haven't been lists and T-shirts and posters and supercuts and notes tied to carrier pigeons that covered Kenny's many deaths over the past eighteen years.

I like their "Generals" song, but holy shit, that quote.

Nope, just don't get the in-fat-jew-ation with this guy.

I agree. I pulled wannabe exhibitionist shit like this constantly as a teen (weird, since I'm probably even shyer than this guy unless I have some drinks in me), and had the same revelation: People just don't give a fuck.

Oh, definitely. It's not quite as good as her previous, but I count her previous as among the best of its genre, so it's still pretty damn good.

Damn, I know you guys have a bone to pick with LDR*, but please don't imply that I'm a mainstream music fan. Words hurt, y'know.

The music is kind of terrible, but I laughed my head off at "Nothing At All" turning into "Gone Away" by Offspring. That's pretty great.

I'd rather they bring back Freddy's Nightmares. No changes, just a poor man's Tales From the Crypt with painfully hokey intros by Freddy like it always was. (at least put it out on DVD/Blu-Ray, dammit)

Yeah, Grunt, I mean. (is that spacist of me? Totally spacist, isn't it? I have Krogan friends!)

Totally holds up. Best of the trilogy, easily (ME3 comes close, but that ending…).

He does give V plenty of love, although due to the short length of the book, he never stays on one project for long. I've never actually seen V myself, so I'm not sure how much of what he covers is new territory for fans.