
I've been tucking in to a lot of Mass Effect 2. Having played the PC version when it came out, the PS3 load times are a bit annoying (especially when making my rounds through the Normandy), but no big deal. At least it's not as shockingly framey as Mass Effect 3 on PS3 can get.

Burn the internet down and start from the top. We're past the point of salvaging it, and dangerously close to having a show that's nothing but animated GIFs followed by Chris Hardwick interviewing Grumpy Cat.

They could have at least prettied up the stretchy arms, if they had to redo any scene. I always found that effect weak. Or when he slices his fingers off (I just can't unsee him holding up the prop arm from below frame). Why mess with perfection?

I'm still disgusted by the 2010 reboot, but I can't not be excited by a new Elm Street movie. They could fuck it up thirty more times before I even begin to think "I should wait on this one".

For some reason, as a kid I always thought this song was about a bear. No idea why.

Pshhh… no Normandy? I reject this infographic, and demand a redo.

I've known *of* Mushroomhead for years, but I've never listened to them or known that they were basically L'il Slipknot. Decided to click on the embedded video… holy shit, these guys are awful. And I say that as a person who unapologetically enjoys several of the bands they're aping. Just wildly generic, like the

Noir-ish title, he said.

I wish this were the less zany, angrier Deadpool instead of the "Wa-hey! Chimichangas and whatnot!" Deadpool, but I guess only one of those is the moneymaker.

Wishbone was a saint, and I will hear no tell to the contrary. I'm looking at YOU, Larry Brantley!

My man right here!

Yeah, the divide is as old as the movies themselves, but I totally get where the Part 3 folks are coming from. I mean, "Welcome to prime time, bitch!" may or may not be one of the greatest lines in cinema history, and that Dokken song… holy shit.

"The best of the Elm Street sequels…"

For non-blondes? What's going on?

I'm curious as to how many of these complaints were handwritten. I just can't imagine that most people who think "The FCC's going to hear about this one!" own many internet-capable devices.

Ha, fair enough. For me, 3 is just campy fun, and I do like Pinhead strutting into that church and being an asshole for no good reason. I won't say it's not an awful movie, but I enjoy it.

I just can't accept New Nightmare as a sequel. A test run for Scream, sure. I won't protest too hard, though… New Nightmare is great. I'm still torn on whether FvJ counts, incidentally. Part of me thinks it counts, but part of me also thinks it's about as much of a Nightmare sequel as "me as a kid making my talking

Man… I thought I was a bit of an extremist for liking 3 and 4.

I would like to preorder this video game right away, sir.

Goddammit. If this shit leads to a world where I have to constantly clarify "Krueger, not Fazbear"…