
Oof, yeah. Even my low standards for 90s pop have no room for Summer Girls. Also, I always get LFO confused for OMC. Not that that has any bearing on my hatred for that song, but it's an annoyance when I'm trying to remember who did "How Bizarre". Fuck LFO, is what I'm getting at.

I love this song (and their other single), and I have no idea why. I should hate everything about it. It's everything that annoys me in pop music. And yet.

Haha, yeah, I really have to gloss over his lyrics when I listen to them. Most of it I can look past pretty easily, but man… I get some real Papa Roach vibes when they're at their worst.

That's actually what made me such a big fan of AVC's community in the first place. I have some very questionable musical tastes, and one of my first posts here (different account) was basically an admission of my love of Korn. I fully expected to get torn a new asshole for it, and I got no negativity whatsoever.

You're falling into the same trap that this site did when they "reviewed" season one and assumed the first couple of episodes were what the show would be about.

I didn't see the ending as happy (if only because this is BoJack Horseman and nobody gets to be happy on this show), I saw it as a quick-fix patch to an issue that hasn't gone anywhere and will blow up again eventually. Maybe I'm just being cynical, though.

Some Jims will never paint a scene
But then again, some Jim'll
Like this guy, and maybe Kimmel

Yeah, I felt like Barker had to be pulling our legs a bit once D'Amour and Friends ran into the cute little tribal demons, or when Pinhead used the ancient art of evil origami. (or the masturbating demon, or the Gollum analogue…)

I'm not a Pinhead, I just intermingle pleasure and pain in an orgy of violence and unimaginable agony a lot

I loved Scarlet Gospels. It was… not what I was expecting, or even what I was really hoping for, but it was hugely entertaining all the same. The only major complaint I have about it is that the Harry D'Amour stuff was a bit too whimsical and felt ill-fitting. It's like Barker wrote two very different books and

Hellbound is my favorite of the franchise. The first is the better film, but it's not one that I've ever found to lend itself to many rewatches. The second one is fun and ambitious, and extremely rewatchable.

Well cross an owl with a bungee cord and call it my ass! I can honestly say I *never* expected an actual sequel to get made. I'm still a bit dumbfounded that the original one got made.


Hey now, Genisys did what Nintendyn't. Don't count them out until Terminator: Drymcast fails.

I'm a big fan of her music, and I find James Franco's various larks endlessly fascinating.

Dammit, Seth MacFarlane! Get out of our comment section!

You're crazy. That James Brown one is amazing in its absurdity. That man should have zero regrets.

Hey, people getting angry about this? You mean well, but "yellow pill people that run around and fall over or whatever" isn't exactly high on the list of things to worry about, equality-wise.

I love that Henry Winkler is so game to do these parts. Guesting on SVU is pretty damn bigtime.

I highly recommend it. Graphically speaking, it aged pretty poorly in the past ten years (it uses the GTA 3 engine and may be the ugliest of that era of Rockstar games), and the gameplay is rather simple and arcade-y, but they really capture the feel of the movie and flesh out the characters in interesting ways.