
Yeah, I should say "self-serious", more accurately. I was totally expecting the 70s gang corniness, just not the cartoon nature of the gangs and lightheartedness of the story.

Picked up The Warriors (the Rockstar game) with some leftover PSN money. I'm really enjoying it. I had never seen the film, but my interest was so piqued that I finally watched it last night, and loved that as well.

I don't know, *somebody* must have found Halloween: Resurrection scary, and it certainly wasn't the audience!

Loved the KGB agent's lines. I laughed at every pun they Putin.

I was hoping she actually competed. Still, this makes me happy.

*tearfully salutes*

I appreciate the reference in their name, but dammit, The Chiodos are the three effects artists that did Killer Klowns and Peewee's Big Adventure! They're not a post-hardcore band!

Five bags of popcorn and two of those little sticky ant trap things, because it's always good to have those on hand. And two sodas.

That teaser is more action-packed than the entirety of Freakshow, so I'm in.

Submitted for your approval: A portrait of an internet trend called the "super cut". A trend that simply can not seem to die. Man's search for immortality spans the whole of human history, yet fate, with its cruel sense of humor, has deemed fit to bestow it upon endless videos documenting the fact that things are

*Spike Lee funds Bill Nighy documentary*

I have nothing against the Minions.They're just slightly less annoying versions of the Rabbids. I'm just baffled at the entirely out of nowhere meme-ification of them. What in the holy blue hell do Minions have to do with Obama and rebel flag tirades? Is this the new "Calvin pissing on things"?

Well. They actually did it. That is some Evil Dead 2-ass Evil Dead, with just a touch of Army of Darkness.

Hey, Internet… You Really Need To Take A Step Back And Have A Long, Hard Look At Where Your Life Is At Right Now, Then Ask Yourself "Where Did It All Go Wrong?"

I certainly don't hate the guy (except for that unavoidable roiling jealousy when somebody young, attractive, and absurdly rich gets paid millions for screaming gibberish at a browser game, and doesn't have the decency to at least be an utter scumbag so I can hate him properly), but good goddamn, does his persona and

Yeah, I decided to hold off until I get a Vita so I can play Golden. (since I'm currently watching Giant Bomb's playthrough of normal-ass P4)

I don't really have any "summer games" per se, I just play what tickles my fancy.

Radio Rock personified. Enjoyable background sound, but not a band I ever felt the need to dig into. Though I haven't even heard anything past "Times Like These", so I can't really judge them as they are now. Maybe they're great.

That's an impossible question for me in a year where Ex Machina, Fury Road, Scarlet Gospels, Things I Bought At Sheetz, Kimmy Schmidt, Metal Gear Scanlon 3 and more happened.

Only if I'm allowed to bawl uncontrollably and wet myself in a panic the second she steps toward me.