
The Boo-Doggett friendship is growing fast on me.

Jeez, Bethesda, the only way that could have been better is if Prey 2 showed up.

I was extremely anti-Soso last season, but I found her much more tolerable, even funny, here.

I didn't mind the Bennett focus. He's a (well-meaning) dipshit who I'm not super invested in, but the Cesar bits were worth it.

Great premiere. It started to tread dangerously toward cheese at times (Crazy Eyes, kite in hand, looking sadly out the window… the balloon flying off… couldn't help rolling my eyes a little), but damned if I didn't get choked up in those last two scenes.

Never considered that. You're right, that makes things a lot more understandable. Still dumb as all hell (Games are games. Let's just play games and have fun), but understandable.

Oh goddammit. What the hell, mortality!?

Haha, to be fair, that was kind of amazing at the time. I always tried to write my name on the walls, but the decal limit made my dream impossible. :(

The year I discovered the joys of Rise of the Triad, which remains one of my all-time favorite games and one of my biggest nostalgia buttons. Something about those foggy surreal levels and high walls are incredibly aesthetically pleasing to me and take me right back to the era. Also, the actual gameplay holds up

If only everybody could live as full and awesome a life as Christopher Lee did.

Oh, totally. As a horror fan and a guy who learned half of what he knows about filmmaking from Lloyd Kaufman, I live in crappy low-budget land, haha.

My first was George of the Jungle (yeah, the Brendan Fraser movie) in '98. Came with the player.

You know you're in for a treat when the "highlight" movie that they put front and center is bad, or when the set is full of random sequels that bombed but are part of a popular franchise. Once you pick up on the patterns, it's almost a game of trying to find the "good" collections.

As I mentioned in another comment yesterday, DVDs have gotten so cheap that only now am I really beginning to build a collection worth a damn. Every time I buy something off of Amazon or go to the pawn shop, I toss a couple of DVDs in with whatever I came for. (also, the local pawn shop is awesome for box sets. They

Meh. I prefer Team Slayer and CTF! Ha HA!

Lights Out was… err… kinda fun. And the MK Trilogy port could have been way worse…

I liked the Virtual Boy as a crazy, weird thing. Didn't hurt that I got it for peanuts a year after release (the huge pile of unsold VBs in the middle of the store was a sight to behold), but I legitimately had fun with it. Red Alarm was a hoot.

I was saying Blue-urns…

Empire Records may not hold up, but it will always get a pass from me for Liv Tyler going around being hot at people. Turns out she's really, really good at that.

Feh. No more streaming subscriptions. DVDs are cheap enough now that I can (and often do) just say "fuck it" and buy an obscene amount of horror movies both big and small for next to nothing. I'll pass and continue the wait for the times when Netflix remembers that they have a horror section and that throwing in crap