
Meanwhile, my energy drink "Huell Fuel" (The secret ingredient is me!) still hasn't gotten off the ground.

The Beastcast has been golden. Vinny and Alex are always great together with their optimist-pessimist dynamic, and Austin so far seems to fit right in with the GB crew. Kind of Patrick-esque, but much less divisive. Can't wait to see him eventually interact with the West Coast team.

Rockstar all day. Even when they fail, the end result is still fascinating.

First and only thing I ever won in a claw machine was a cheap knockoff Freddy Krueger figure. Wouldn't have even known it was him if it weren't for the sweater… there was no hat or glove. My mom wasn't exactly pleased with my prize (I was pretty young).

If it's in a word, or it's in a badgedy, you can't not watch this lesbian romance murder tragedy.

They kept saying it would have a "more organic feel".

I always call Insidious "one half of a creepy-ass movie". The first half, under the right mood? Really effective stuff. The second half (almost split directly down the midway point) is just corny fun.

It's been a long, long time since I've read the book, but I remember it kind of blowing my mind as a kid. The movie was violent, sure, but the book was the most graphic thing I had ever read at the time. (and then I discovered Stephen King… in an elementary school library, of all places)

"We Can Work It Out" is an awesome song, sure, but beating out "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"? Ehhhhh… not so much. (and "Rocky Raccoon" over "Revolution"? You're killing me, Smalls!)

Could you maybe, y'know, not remake Sister Act? Just as a favor? Thanks, you're a mensch.

I'm finally ready to say "I'm good either way". We got six fucking seasons out of this insane thing. How often does that happen with a show like this?

Which is clearly the non-union Mexican equivalent of my unsold script entitled We're Sorry, The Number You Are Trying To Reach Has Been Disconnected… By Murder!

WHM was a revelatory experience for me this week.

Puddle of Mudd? ILL NINO!? What, were Spineshank and Motograter too busy?

It's so nice to have games I'm excited for being announced in the same year of their release. I'm sure half of them will be bumped back a year anyway because modern video games, but it's a nice change of pace just the same. It's hard to get hyped for E3 when you know two more E3s will pass before you can actually play

RIP. I was always a big fan of her interviews about F13. As someone else said below, she had a real Betty White quality to her.

Finally watched Rick & Morty. Loved it.

It toppled, much like a… err… Jenga tower.

I was so done once they dropped the pizza place. Just like Judy Winslow in Family Matters, that poor pizza place went up the stairs and never came back down…

If I were to get stabbed by Screech, I'd be keeping that shit to myself. The pain of being stabbed is far, far less than the pain of spending the rest of my days being prompted to tell people about the time the annoying nerdy kid from Saved By The Bell shanked me in a bar on Christmas.