
But will only 90s kids remember her? I think not!

Isn't Cara Delevigne 22 already? Who's going to believe Connery having to settle for a 22 year old?

'e turned me into a newt!

And how!

I only buy what Liam Gallagher tells me to.

So, if I were to start singing the Family Matters theme, he would be unable to provide backup vocals?

A whole lot of coffee and an army of assistants! Ha-ha!

It's surprising that, given the circus theme of the last season, they didn't feature the clowns in Congress!

Wait… since when does a camera need to move for a jump scare? All you need is a sudden, unexpected movement or appearance on-screen and a scare chord. And even those are optional.

Okay, just watched it. Yeah, that was pretty terrible. "100% Dieter Laser Screaming Vaguely Offensive Epithets Until You Get Sick Of His Voice Halfway Through The Movie And Just Want Him To Shut Up And Let Laurence Harvey Do His Thing Because At Least He Can Be Funny" would have been a much better tagline for this.

Maybe I should revisit it. I remember not really liking it, but that was years ago. Definitely the best of the sequels, though.

I'm all for a bit of horseplay, but would the movie be THAT much less exciting if the characters kept things to a more sensible speed, and observed proper driving safety?

First time I saw this movie, I was hugely let down. I really liked it, but I (like everyone) had it built up in my head from years of stories and anecdotes about how it was the most terrifying film ever made. Admittedly, I was already a long-time horror nerd and had the benefit of 30 years of movies that referenced or

I can't tell if this review is damning or glowing. I've written rather positive reviews of my favorite trash cinema using many of the same sentences used here.

Abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful the internet's reaction to gender-swapped casting is.

Abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful the internet's reaction to gender-swapped casting is.

No thank you. Last bar I went to, the bartender made me wait for my drink, and I'm still waiting to this day.

Scarlet Gospels, finally, after all these years of waiting.

*bursts in, wheezing*

I did, but I caught him saying "Whoop whoop" in public, and now he's in rehab.