
Stop making me like you in interviews, Violent J. It's bad enough that I had a passing urge to listen to Riddlebox last week. I've been ICP-free for 10 years, and I intend to keep it that way.


Liar! I haven't budged an inch!

Don't listen to his lies! I'm still waiting, and quickly running out of footlongs.

But what will happen to Lenny!? You can't just hire some Lenny-come-lately to make a mockery of his iconic voice! It's not just a matter of replicating his nasally sound… you need to replicate the joie de vivre, the unspoken yet masterfully implied years of hardship that he has overcome to be there in Spingfield with

Yeah, the poetry is amazing. I remember one "tearjerker" story about a dystopian future in which the poor, misunderstood, oppressed white population gives way to an all-brown world due to mixed-race relationships.

Every so often, I somehow end up perusing Stormfront or one of its likeminded hives out of morbid curiosity, and I spend the next week feeling like utter shit. It's 20% hilarious, 80% horrifyingly depressing.

This is some damn good marketing. I had zero interest in Mad Max, and now I'm thinking of buying a whole lot of tickets.

Ughhh… all those *buttons*. Can't I just halfheartedly lift my hand and grunt until pizza comes? And what does a guy gotta do to get the deliveryman to stick around and push the pizza into my eat-hole? Customer service my ass!

I love everything about that FVJ poster. I must have it. On every wall of my apartment.

I didn't mind the dance scene, if only because I would happily watch Tatiana Maslany file taxes for a whole season.

On one hand… terrible setlist. I'm sticking with Rock Band.

If this is what Chris needs to Gethard, more power to him.

Lovely weather we're having.

I *just* updated my baby drivers!

Brilliant idea! I've just been introducing myself as "The AV Club's own Huell Babineaux. Like the Breaking Bad guy. I mean, my real name's not Huell, but AVC has this thing where a lot of commenters name themselves after characters in pop culture, and sometimes appropriate their mannerisms for humor. There's one guy

You can hire them? They always tell me they're busy.

Oh boy! Finally, sex and comedy in the same movie! If watching A Haunted House taught me anything, it's to always be excited for a new Wayans proj-…

I'm just happy we're even getting that much. A T&E horror comedy anthology always seemed too good to exist.