
I was in the perfect demographic for that show at the time, and I was absolutely in love with everything Tom Green did.

Yeeeeaaahh… still not clicking. Those both seem like prime boner locations.


No kids picking Battletoads and immediately regretting their decision because the sick fucks behind the show used the bike level? I thought they wanted my money.

Unwanted boner? I know those words, but when you put them together like that, it leaves me confused.

*Kevin James' ears perk up*

Seems like a real Myst opportunity.

Pshhh… that Family Guy ripoff with the spikey boy and the Peter Griffin guy that says "Bo!" all the time? Sure, why not? I feel bad for that Matt Groaner fella after his Futuremen show (also suspiciously similar to Family Guy, might I add) failed to take off.

Yeah, it went out of print exceedingly fast. I'm surprised to hear they never did another run, or at least an e-book version. Seems like it would have been easy money in the post "fuckin' magnets" publicity boom.

I appreciate the Chalet Swiss, but honestly? I prefer the sushi. It never touched a frying pan, y'know.

As a reformed ex-Juggalo (I know, I know… I'm far from proud) and somebody who maintains a Rabin-like fascination with these guys, I actually read this thing back when it first came out. It's surprisingly not bad. It very much reads like how you'd think a book by Violent J would read, but the guy has a lot of good

I love all three Cube movies (my love for the concept outweighs the varying degrees of badness in the sequels), but I'd much rather see a sequel than a remake.

Just one? I'm a few!

I finally started watching and then immediately burned through the first two seasons of Orphan Black. Now I don't know whether to get started on season 3 or wait and binge when it's over. Watching this show at a normal schedule sounds like torture.

Agreed. Wrong Cops was a lot of fun. I'm always a fan of things that let Marilyn Manson flex his funny side. The guy's got surprisingly good comedic chops.

Excited to see this. Dupieux's movies aren't particularly *good* per se, but damned if they aren't extremely entertaining.

Fuck it, Star Trek/Gremlins crossover directed by J.J. Flarebrams.

Thanks for the heads-up on the re-releases. I know what's going on my buy list. Been wanting to revisit the series anyway. It's funny how my perspective has changed on what the story is actually about since I first read it at 24. I found myself sympathizing with Scott much more than I do now at 29, which says a lot

What does it matter? Tidal could have completely shat the bed and ceased to exist on day one, and all that would have done to Jay Z's bank account is leave him with a mere 50 spanktillion dollars.

I always hope Nintendo makes a game called "The Marios" just to satisfy parents the world over.