Truer words, etc. Pink or blue (not "elderly blue", mind) hair is one of the hottest things on Earth.
Truer words, etc. Pink or blue (not "elderly blue", mind) hair is one of the hottest things on Earth.
Ha, joke's on you, I *am* Mr. Skin!
Yeah, I can see how the "empowerment" angle SG takes, mixed with their name, could potentially send the wrong message.
I always interpreted it as sarcastic, making fun of the perception of goths/punks/alts as self-destructive by nature.
Realizing that an AVC commenter you've exchanged snark with has also been in your porn folder… an interesting realization indeed.
About time someone stuck it to ghosts! Incorporeal ingrates, the lot of 'em.
Yeah, it was a really fun movie, but nowhere near the masterpiece I kept hearing it was.
Well, whaddya know, Haddi-Man? A new tooooooooon!
It's easy to forget that Green Day used to be really fun and enjoyable. Certainly wouldn't know it by anything post-Warning.
Haha, I hear ya. I never associated Manson with my angsty rebellion stage, so I can still enjoy him as much as I ever did, but I did have a few unbearably ill-chosen years in my teens in which I devoted my earholes to *shudder* ICP and their ilk.
Oh god, I just remembered 2004-ish era Marilyn Manson, with more chins than tattoos, and I died a bit all over again. Love the guy, but holy shit, those were dark times.
I love American Horror Story's intros. As entertained as I am by the show itself, the nonexistent show that those intros build AHS up to be would be wonderfully terrifying.
Holy shit, was that intro unsettling. Especially on the old cheap TV I used to watch it on as a kid, which gave the synthesizers a horrifying warbling effect.
Definitely. Same with bad movies. I was watching Basket Case 2 and 3 last night (somehow I only ever saw the first one), and they were absolute garbage by any standard. So of course I loved every minute.
But they're so wonderfully middling!
I didn't even realize it could be read that way until just now… somehow that makes it even funnier.
Isn't that the plot of Juwanna Man?
Oh god, I'm losing it at the "characters going to bed" quote. That is a line for the ages.
Haha, I do that as well. If I could improv worth a damn, I'd follow it up with a St. Olaf style story.
This is right behind Frasier and Seinfeld in sitcoms that consistently get me to actually laugh out loud.