
I prefer Molly to both, but all three are wonderful supporting cast that the show would be much worse without.

I really love how Rupert Graves plays him too. It's much better than to have him as a bitter character who's constantly made to look bumbling by Sherlock, and instead an ally who provides usefulness when needed.
I wish they'd use him lots more, but I can see how he doesn't quite it in these episodes with less Scotland

Maybe he really wanted the satisfaction of doing it himself and up close and personal? Who knows?

You can really pick holes in the plausibility of them all though.
How plausible is it that an award winning children's entertainer is the spitting image of Britain's most notorious criminal and no one would notice? Or that a newly discovered Vermeer was able to fool every art expert in the world, and they wouldn't

Was filled with outstanding moments for Sherlock the character.
It could have seemed so very out of character and gimmicky, but the deftness of it and seeing him finally truly stop repressing his feelings for John held it all together.
It was very touching.

Love Without A Clue, and it's truly a film spoofing the Holmes mythos from someone who loves the stories.

Me as well, it was the opposite of the first of the series that way for me. The mystery wasn't pushed to the side like Empty Hearse did, and it had a neat way of wrapping it all together, and a good red herring to boot.

And it's so call-back heavy to the prior show, which is fine of course, but it was 99% set up for the second part.

I hope there's a running gag where people remark that Capaldi looks Roman.

Especially as in Bells Of Saint John they showed her as perfectly content.
The whole Clara characterization's been all over the place.

I'd say the best is Empty Child/The Doctor Dances as a story. This is great as a revelation of the Doctor and what makes him tick, the story itself is just ok.

They actually look formidable and like the mobile thinking tanks they should be.
They really did a great job of both keeping the iconic design AND not having them look like they could be shoved around like in the old show. Thousands of these things would be terrifying.
I second the love for how they actually made the

I think he counts as a companion almost during most of Pertwee's era.

To Clara when they encounter the angels;

I don't think it's really a debate that he is the best actor. Moments like the ones he has here and in The Doctor Dances or Parting Of The Ways really showcase how good a dramatic actor he can be.

True, she'd be the the agent who was too extreme for everyone else and they bring in when things are too out of hand.
Like when they had to recruit Faith on Angel.

It's interesting how much his glee at taunting the Dalek as their destroyer mirrors later events under 10.
Here he becomes just like David Tennant when he claimed he was the "Time Lord Victorious" almost before he's stopped and dragged off.

Why the hell didn't they make Ace the head of Torchwood?

I love, love, love how he goes from taunting and torturing it out of, let's face it, sadistic pleasure and glee as a form of therapy over what he had to do to his own species.
It's what he has been fleeing from and trying to forget confronting him, and he goes off the deep end.

When they first appeared they couldn't even deviate from the electrified floor rails.
They were the bumper cars of space.