
It was like a Ken doll @Scrawler2:disqus

Amazing. I like the colour a whole lot.

I can see if I can rustle up a link for you, it isn't that old.

I have a hair thing too, though mainly to do with length. Floppy hair is a turn-off. I like beards as long as the guy doesn't half-arse it and conditions it.
 I didn't mind Hardy's TTSS hair, it was better than whatever Cumberbatch had happening.

GASP! No, you find those glasses, they cannot get away from your fashionable clutches.

As a glasses freak got a link? My fancy-shmancy pair is the one in the first piccy there.

D'awwwwwwww. Thank you so much for saying so. I was a little bit worried whether the socks would work or look school uniformy.
You wear glasses? I have like four pairs, I'm sort of a Specs Addict.

Thanks lovey. Just some personal life hiccups.

Groan. Like last June.

This happened to me last week. I got temp-banned for being abused by a troll.

My last first date was an evening revolving around nighttime astronomy and a basket of food goodies for a picnic.

Not at all, thank you. :)

I better not be. That would be the cherry on top of a crap sundae of a week.

I'm just glad I wasn't flushing my time away pointlessly.

Where can I find this show streaming?

Guys smacking their balls around.

Damn auto correct, why would it even auto correct sensible anyway?

Wish I had some, but a little light on the ground here this week.

Mine is a cartoon from a magazine about opera from work designed to get the 'yoof' more into opera (good luck with that).
My username is what a coworker there passive aggressively called me based on my unconventional hair color once.

Agree. He sounds like he's reacting to the breakup by using you as a way to prove he can still do this.
If you're comfortable with his flirting I wouldn't be too hard on him, but yes make sure he knows it isn't anything more.