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    I don't know what a Raspberry Pi is so rather than ask a stupid question I went and did some googling.

    Here are the albums I've been listening to over the past couple of weeks:

    And if we are going down this rabbit hole, try to find the Jon Brion mix of "Extraordinary Machine" (which was never officially released). That's my favorite favorite.

    I love all three of them as well, but man I gotta tell you I was kinda disappointed in sturgill's live set I caught last month. He was a festival headliner, and I get it that festival shows are necessarily different than a small venue set. But wow did he misread the crowd. His whole set was SO subdued. Just didn't

    oh! I can't wait to see how this plays out.

    I think I'm already there. Outlaw has become my favorite Steve Earle.

    Songs in the Key of Life is an immersive experience. I put it on when I have time to really sit and listen on my home system. So expertly sequenced. Really great music.

    That Wolf Parade album … gosh what a beauty. I've listened to it countless times and I never tire of it. I'm glad that you have found a way to get relief from your pain.

    And even if they were all dressed in their Sunday best, they are literally NAZIS, so they are necessarily inviting violence by advocating for an ideology centered on the extermination of non-whites.

    I didn't give a fuck about St. Vincent until I saw her live a couple years ago. And then I fell in love with her.

    "I hate when I act racist and people call me a racist for acting racist."

    YES! I was wondering the same thing. My wife and I have been powering through Season 2 in advance of moving into The Return, and my wife exclaimed last night, and I quote, "isn't it crazy that a lot of these hair and clothing styles are basically back now?" Then I read this review and Keith's comments re. hairstyle

    The biggest thing I'd miss is the drunk.

    I go straight for the Cookie Butter Ice Cream. And then I go straight to the treadmill.

    Having now watched the entire season, this is precisely what Atypical is about. And I thought it was quite good.

    It was the best of a shitty week of releases I guess

    I want to do all of these things but I don't think I can! Well, I guess I could play the video game and listen to Frankie Rose. But I really want to see Nocturama and I don't see that it is playing anywhere. And I also would like to watch Mr. Mercedes but I don't have the Audience Network. What am I supposed to

    My two cents (coming from someone who watched 6 episodes and bailed). Ozark is deeply flawed. It desperately WANTS to be Breaking Bad (I guess) but winds up a silly, pale facsimile. And the tonal shift from the pilot, which suggests a much darker (and, frankly, more interesting) show and episode 2, where it

    Did you have to move the trampoline?

    oh! I didn't know they had a new album coming out! The Great Unwanted is one of my favorite records from 2007.