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    I'm a few months late to the game but just wanted to chime in here and agree with dirtside's comment. Homeland is FUCKING DOUR. It takes itself so, SO seriously. I also don't know how to simply ignore that and say, "welp, just a fun silly spy show!" because that is so clearly NOT how Homeland's creators see the

    I thought I made it clear I didn't remember it all that well. It IS normal for some people to be ignorant or non-accepting. That's not my point. The gay panic part comes in when the uncomfortable guy's reaction is played for laughs. It was so normal then. And I feel like there was some of that here. But I really

    The part where we see that his wedding ring didn't fit because he lost a lot of weight from the stress of being shot? Yeah, total bullshit.

    I haven't seen it for a long time but I feel like it was sweet but also maybe loaded with gay panic? No?

    Don't get me wrong, she IS total shit, but the rest of the movie is also bad. Such a misfire, which was so disappointing.

    What about The Devil's Advocate?

    I would ask him if Stevie Nix ever stopped dragging his heart around and, if so, was it stained from her cigarette fingers.


    Wag the Dog is boring as fuck

    Event Horizon is one of the scariest movies of all time.

    you are not alone

    In the shitshow that is Gangs of New York, how did Cameron Diaz of all people ruin it? I'd suggest that literally everyone and everything that touched that movie had a hand in ruining it, least of which was probably Cameron Diaz.

    Holy shit, The Postman! Has anyone ever actually sat through that entire movie?!

    I'm a huge Breakdown fan. I'll watch it with you tonight (or tomorrow morning?)

    Hell yes. It is, from the very first minute to the very last, absolutely riveting. Such a blast.

    Counterpoint: Donnie Brasco is shit. Post-Scent of a Woman Pacino. A dull Johnny Depp.

    I don't know what you're going on about …. but I like it.

    Romy and Michelle is a blast. Not a "great" movie, I guess, but it sure is a lot of fun. GI Jane though? I can't get behind that. It's just kinda … boring?

    Yep. That ending. Just … no. It RUINED the film for me. I watched it again a year ago and … nope … still hated it.

    This is exactly right. An old roommate of mine was a HUGE fan of the book growing up - he's a right-wing, jarhead goofball - and was so pumped for the movie. We saw it together and I was floored that he didn't get the satire AT ALL. He loved the movie and had no idea it was basically satirizing the book.