
lost isn't some obscure, offbeat show,—everyone watched it and everyone knows it's horribly disjointed.

"Everyone who read that Rebirth reboot special that first made use of the "Watchmen come to the DCU" idea pretty much called foul."

man if i had the power i'd make Elizabeth Moss the megastar she deserves to be. she's brilliant in everything.

1. jericho waiting through the commercial to yell, 'it!'
2. it's art, you don't need pants!

okada vs omega is the best match i've ever seen

protest too much

don't ask questions you already know the answers to, rasclart!

it's out in 5 months, matey

I love that the same people jizzing themselves last week are back to making snarky comments about the same shit with a different label. brand loyalty baby.

oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit

i enjoy your brand of bollocks

dam son

..ohhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiitttt

you are a disgrace to your interests

the second series almost lost its way entirely towards the end, it should've finished with the finale.

i was ready to tear av club a new one until i saw it wasn't about the uk show

also two films about yves saint laurent recently released, seems ideas in movie-land always occur in pairs (or triplets as in this case)

dudes, all these all-black comments, sean started it I guess. smh @ his vision.

hilarious, and watched it again and noticed winston broke at 'just taste the caaayke'.

@avclub-5cbb1c37a1f2c2af7b58d8de06783aff:disqus heheheheh