Mr. McTicklepants

"You paid HOW much for that hat?!"

Badgers represent!


It was mostly due to nostalgia, and the fact that I'm getting married next month.  Also, I'm a pussy

tell us more about what awards you are nominated for

Agreed.  I laughed, I cried.  I love seeing Jim and Dwight back at it.  I could do without the Andy stuff, I'm so tired of his story.  Can't wait for the finale.

fuck this episode, it reeked of desperate pandering.  this show is SO OVER

why would you put the lube on your leg??


Why didn't we just let the south secede again?

Filet O Fish?

why is no one talking about Corrine's ass here guys???

stop it, your loneliness is depressing me

Also, I'm bisexual.

please, they prefer Native American

"Lord Pretty Flacko, bitch, I behead people"

Now I remember why I saw this movie once and subsequently forgot about it

Now I remember why I saw this movie once and subsequently forgot about it

you guys are weird

you guys are weird