
I'd like to think that every one of the bullets that Wednesday cursed fails in some way, saving a life. And with every life saved, who do the saved offer prayers to? Only those who can provide unfathomable miracles, of course.

I can hear his voice in my head, that's really cool.
What a terrific interview, one of the best I've read in a while!

As carried over from KTOR 2 from last week, I had a game breaking bug in that. I was dumb enough not to have good save practices, and ended up leaving the game for more than a year. Playing through that fucking drag of an opening mission was still a shit though.

The bit towards the end, when Clive Owen caves in that guys skull with the mini safe, while the unfortunate fellow is pushing his way through the jammed door is one of the darkest, nastiest pieces of violence I've ever seen in a movie. Least-glamourised is exactly right.

'This is like the time I tried water aerobics and … broke my neck' could anyone have sold that line better than Stephen Root?

Be sure you slow down on the main questing though and take your time exploring some of the places. The Hissing Wastes, for example is utterly huge and there at no time does the game require you to go there, but it's a remarkable area.
After Adamant Fortress and the Peace Talks/Ball there's only a couple of main

With the Expanded Edition, playing evil in Baldur's Gate II became a viable option for the first time, because you had a new, Chaotic Evil party member. I highly recommend playing evil in that game…oh and keeping Aerie around until you get Edwin, so she can be hilariously horrified by your slave trading, puppy

It always been one of my favourite things about The Absorbing Man, is that, despite having an incredibly dangerous, awesome power, he's essentially a petty crook and kind of a dumbass.

Combat in III, with modern day guards slowly lining up a single pistol shot was the dumbest thing the games have ever done, though. Series low point, for me.
Otherwise I normally enjoy the real world stuff, especially when it gets weird.

The whole 'Connor waits in the corridor while every historical event in the American revolution happens' was pretty hard to buy, though.

I know this doesn't entirely count, but the Crusader Kings 2 mod of Game of Thrones is the best recreation of the show outside of any licensed product. And you get to make your own alternate stories!

I always enjoy some goofy Winger bits too. particularly where he's just a group member, not it's leader.

I think it doesn't pay to ask too many questions in Sleepy Hollow. That town has an insane murder rate.

The show should be a spin off of Parks and Rec and feature her as Jenn Barkly and her campaign management firm. Six episode seasons, one campaign a season.
A man can dream.

He didn't need to get in the water, but he could have stuck around and helped while she did. Or something. Got a better stick. Just be kinda less of a dick about it, I guess.

It's what Archer does a lot; Archer is an incredibly good spy, so he is almost always the one who messes up the mission. It's a nice change from the hopeless buffoon protagonist.

'Franks brother' was pretty bad, though.

Anya and Halfrek wear identical amulets in their scenes together in S7, so there's that much attention to detail, that there should have been more.

SFO should just the default airport for the west coast. LAX is a goddamn nightmare.

I think my favourite part of that is that he enlists his youngest son to do the shooting. And that Todd just has a shotgun.