
couldn't have said it better myself
You rock, Zack. I think I love you. Will you be my secret internet TV lover? Only it won't be so secret. And we can talk on the blog so everyone can listen in. In fact, let's make an internet reality series about it! Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! :-)

Hey ever thought of this? What if the whole stereotype about "gay bashers being closet gay themselves" really takes off….wouldn't that be the best way to get homophobes to stop bullying? If bullying gays becomes synonymous with being closet gay, that just might be the best way to stop the bullying ——- even if it

I don't understand why and how the zombies need to eat. Aren't they dead? I think that's dumb.

You smarties may have already figured this out, but NOOWWW i get it. Graystone industries gets taken over by Tauron baddie who figures out how to mass produce the Centurions. Daniel builds and perfects the resurrection program that is later used to enable the cylons to imperfectly download into body after body.

Here's my prediction for next season, based on the fact that you can't predict Mad Men:
1) Betty will turn around to find her inner adult, begin to relax her "need for perfection"personality, but not in time to stop a deep bond developing between Sally and Megan.
2) Megan won't be the monster we all think, but she

I'm a thirdie, but almost a firstie! Darn you, sobriquet!

You rock, Steve. I too have stopped watching since season 2, but the writeups always make me laugh. I appreciate you letting yourself get tortured for our benefit. Hey…. wait a minute! Doesn't that make you a Christ-like figure? Hmmm, a new story line for Nathan? I'll have you know that this idea came from the

great review!!
This was a terrific review and lol funny! you should be a comedienne, Genevieve! Love this line:
***the unhappiest-looking happy couple ** or
**leaving Stewart to explore her range of mopey expressions alone**

Love your review Amelie. You are really funny. Have you ever considered comedy? Loved the line "the corpse of Project Runway suddenly sat up straight in its coffin for one final scare." I am going to use that in my life sometime. Very Very funny!

Completely agree. How can you give the last ep of Mad Men an A- when it was truly sublime, and give this pile of horse muck a B+???!!! And this is coming from a girl who was a former glee clubber, one of the better singers, and someone who loved it very much in high school. This show is totally silly. I think it

Completely agree. How can you give the last ep of Mad Men an A- when it was truly sublime, and give this pile of horse muck a B+???!!! And this is coming from a girl who was a former glee clubber, one of the better singers, and someone who loved it very much in high school. This show is totally silly. I think it

I thought this deserved a C. The plot is predictable, the characters are caricatures and one dimensional. I found myself rolling my eyes quite a bit. I don't mind shows that are totally unrealistic, as this one is, but the characters have to have some depth. Here it is: totally nice guy who always does the right