
All I want to know is John Oliver coming back!?

I remember when I saw 5th Element in the theater I liked it. But I was really surprised that my older brother in just the next seat had his mind blown. He has said it is his favorite movie as well. I guess parts seemed a bit silly at the time. It does stick with me. I am glad for Luc Besson being around.

What About Bob?

I, for one appreciate Jesse Thorne's attempts to entertain the world in an honest and joyful manner.

but … it did come up. She said it once in the video.

My Dad was upset at the way the show misrepresents the science and beliefs of the middle ages.

I mean. I get how it is funny and everything. But, he has a little bit of a point. I mean, the show is not uplifting. It is not moral and it degrades the culture rather than elevating it.

I was excited by the posts in this article that compliment Spencer's acting without seeming to know who Spencer is. "that guy should be on more shows" stuck out. So. Yeah. He did a great job and he should be really proud of himself for the way he imbued his character with humanity.

yeah I just replied to this above without scrolling all the way down. I didn't know how to spell bij.

I played a Star Trek Next Generation themed VCR game in the early 1990's. I think we only did it once but people in my family still say, "experience Beege" to each other every once in a while and that was from that game.

"This guy" is Spencer. Spencer needs to be on more shows. Hooray for the age of Spencer.

Lots of people would love to admit that because the character is played by Spencer, the beloved dungeon master from the podcast Harmontown.

I've listened to every episode of this show that they did over the past ten years.

I agree. Well, maybe I get less excited than you but I do at least still have an interest in who wins Oscars. I mean I don't usually watch all of the TV show if I even watch any.

Sometimes I wonder how much of it is joking. Like when he had the Community fanclub fan who was being mostly rhetorical when she said she hoped that Dan should shut up and Dan brings her up like months later to defend his right to never have anyone suggest he stop talking. And at the end of that segment he says to

Oh shit. Did you write this before or after the highly controversial post about how guys only like Gillian Jacobs on podcasts because she is hot?!

Please, someone—take the collected works of Sean O'Neal's Newswire
posts about Labeouf and read the posts out loud to said Labeouf. By
"Wrinkled Sack," the effect should be better than tears.

It can be kind of hard to find the podmass column sometimes. Like I don't always see it so easily. I have to remember I haven't seen the most recent podmass, click on the comedy tab find a podmass but not the most recent one, then click on the podmass tab and then click on the newest one. That is how I just got

Please, someone—take the collected works of Sean O'Neal's Newswire
posts about Labeouf and read the posts out loud to said Labeouf. By
"Wrinkled Sack," the effect should be better than tears.

I act like it is mindblowingly great because it feels so different from other TV shows. I respond to the tone of the show and its sense of humor. He brings and honesty and humanity to absurd situations. It is so crazy and so real at the same time.