
Those are all good reasons for you not to watch Sherlock, even if I disagree with them. But they don't strike me as doing any harm to Holmes as a character.

I honestly don't understand the "run roughshod" argument when it comes to Sherlock. There are two other Holmes adaptations going on right now - Elementary and the RDJ movie series - and plenty of other Holmes books: Ones set in the Victorian era, ones where he's married to a woman in California and they solve

Oh, I'm not taking offense. It's more I read that description and think, yeah, there's probably an audience for this show, and that audience doesn't have a bunch of similar options.

He did on The Practice and a lawyer show that ran for a few years in the late 90s/early 00s.

That's kind of what happened when his car crashed (which feels a million episodes ago).

So they ripped off Fortress Lad, is what you're saying?

He's in the new Planet of the Apes movie.

We also know that Dark Coop is past his sell-by date - he's trying to avoid returning to the Black Lodge, so perhaps he's, well, over-ripe.

I think that's got to be the case, and I'd rather a skyped-in Dr. Hayward than no Dr. Hayward.


Fire Walk With Me tells us that David Lynch's world is one in which angels exist, and that Dale Cooper stands among them.

I've seen others note that an ear of corn is as far as you can get from creamed corn and still have corn.

Lynch is, I suspect, a mensch.

Does that family seem like the sort of folks who'd bother to get the right broom?

It's also possible that Dark Coop didn't look as instantly wrong then as he does now. Lose the tan, cut his hair and slick it back, put him in a suit, he'd look more like Cooper on a bad day than something horrific and evil.

I got wanded going into a Jens Lekman concert last winter.

When I was in high school, art club trips to NYC always ended with dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. Usually I'd manage to sneak over to Coliseum Books and buy some Philip K. Dick novels I couldn't find in my hometown. Good times.

Alicia Witt apparently filmed something for the revival, so I'm hoping we see at least one Hayward on screen not via Skype.

I wonder if it wasn't meant to parallel Dark Coop's clothing himself in leather and snakeskin.

Also how Lt. Knox noticed it, then turned her back and continued her phone call DOES SHE NOT REALIZE SHE IS ON TWIN PEAKS.