
It's like the filming of the revival got in just under a cosmic wire. Hard to imagine a version of this without Albert, the Log Lady, etc.

I can't buy Fage Yogurt for Mrs. Pontifex without giggling, thanks to that scene.

Norman Lloyd is going to outlive everyone else from St. Elsewhere, isn't he?

Stone Boy, from the Legion of Substitute Heroes.


Is G-Men From Hell one of Mike Allred's movie projects?

Yes - it's fantastic, as is Maria Semple's latest novel.

I remember an eighth-tier right-wing blogger fuming over that review, because the fact that Ebert gave it one star was in this guy's mind proof Ebert hated George W. Bush and it was a very stupid argument by a very stupid person is what I'm saying.

What's a leman?

Note to self: Schedule appointment with neurologist.

Up until about 8th grade, school was a daily exercise in getting my assignments done quickly enough that I could read my library book as much as I possibly could.

I'm thinking less of Sherlock than, say, Temperance Brennan in the early days of Bones or Victor Garber on the Arrowverse shows - the total aversion to contractions, the constant use of sixty-four dollar words, the general lack of emotional intelligence, etc. But the counterexamples of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are

I have been in and around academia for almost 20 years. I have met some very smart people, and some people so smart they make the smart people I know look dumb, and I have never, ever met someone who talks like Hollywood's idea of how really, really smart people talk.

No, that movie will be called "Where's Henry?" and costar all five Bobby Drapers.

"I'm a boat captain!"

When Baby Pontifex was transitioning out of diapers, she insisted that we buy her Cars-themed pull-up diapers. It was a pain in the neck finding them, and they cost more than the regular Target brand, but it was worth it because she was pooping on the visage of Mater on a regular basis.

Or flies out of the dryer at 1 am after a twelve-hour drive home from the grandparents' during which Baby Pontifex vomited all over herself around the 11:30 mark.

Well, Mike Judge DID kill off Buckley in the Mega-Lo-Mart explosion.

My external drive would LOVE to store such a video, unopened and unwatched, until the next transfer to a new drive.

Will this be another 80s fest, or will it jump a decade like the last couple of X-Men movies and be set in the 90s?