This might explain why poor Donald gets pizza at Sbarro, but not why he eats it with a fork.
This might explain why poor Donald gets pizza at Sbarro, but not why he eats it with a fork.
The Office taught us the same thing about Scranton!
Highlander 2. Mic dropped.
The QL episode did come true — the change Sam made to history altered it to the history we know. (Never mind that the version of the assassination Sam prevented could not possibly align with the IRL facts of the case Bellisario kept presenting in the episode [which he wrote as a response to Oliver Stone's JFK and…
That's right. The interviews with Nimoy and, particularly, Walter Koening were very good.
It likely helped that Baldwin was playing the coolest character on the show, while Chevy was routinely the butt of jokes.
This is why I always liked Quentin Tarantino's insistence on acting, even though, well, as an actor he's a hell of a director.
In Trump's case, he's just got the means to arrange things so that he never has to read ANYTHING very long, whereas I'm guessing your dad may not read books but writes his own emails, etc.
Some of us pour one out every year for our homie, Detective Beau Felton of the Baltimore PD murder police, thank you.
This is why I like ebook loans from my local library system.
It strongly implies that Poehler and Nick Kroll had sex at some point during their relationship.
Baldwin's best moments (we're up to season six) were listening to Liz's voicemails at the very end of season 2, and the Nancy Donovan plotline in season 4 or so. As much as 30 Rock was a manic farce, Baldwin and Moore played that as straight as they could within that framework as a funny but melancholy story about…
My working theory is he's functionally illiterate - he CAN read, technically, enough to read a menu or write a tweet. But there is literally zero evidence he has ever read a book in his adult life, or has any interest in doing so, or would be able to do it if he had to for some reason. (I've also seen this described…
So one's time would better be spent rereading that epic profile from the New Yorker from a few years back?
Ah, yes, the episode that gave us the term "sympathy boink."
The friend is another picture of Jason Segel.
I would draw it somewhere between Jackass and this jackass. Perhaps far back enough to incorporate part of Jackass.
I think I read Trent's Last Case three times while the show was still on.
Aussie accents sound like Kiwi accents, but sinister.
I don't know. There's the experience of the show and then there's the weekly episodes of the show. The X-Files didn't have a great finale but I don't think it negates the Darin Morgan episodes or Memento Mori or Leaonard Betts or Postmodern Prometheus or…